12 research outputs found

    TOBB-ETU at CLEF 2019: Prioritizing claims based on check-worthiness

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    20th Working Notes of CLEF Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF ( 2019: Lugano; Switzerland)In recent years, we witnessed an incredible amount of misinformation spread over the Internet. However, it is extremely time consuming to analyze the veracity of every claim made on the Internet. Thus, we urgently need automated systems that can prioritize claims based on their check-worthiness, helping fact-checkers to focus on important claims. In this paper, we present our hybrid approach which combines rule-based and supervised methods for CLEF-2019 Check That! Lab's Check-Worthiness task. Our primary model ranked 9th based on MAP, and 6th based on R-P, P@5, and P@20 metrics in the official evaluation of primary submissions. © 2019 CEUR-WS. All rights reserved

    An unexpected infection in loss-of-function mutations in STAT3: malignant alveolar echinococcosis in liver

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    Loss-of-function (LOF) mutations in signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (S TAT 3) gene causes autosomal dominant hyper immunoglobulin E syndrome (AD-HIES or Job's Syndrome), a rare and complex primary immunodeficiency (PID) syndrome characterized by increased levels of IgE (>2000 IU/mL), eosinophilia, recurrent staphylococcal skin abscesses, eczema, recurrent pneumonia, skeletal and connective tissue abnormalities. Although bacterial and fungal infections are common in AD-HIES, susceptibility to parasitic infections has not been reported. Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), a zoonosis caused by the growth of the Echinococcus multilocularis (EM) metacestode, mimics slow-growing liver cancer. The mortality rate of AE is very high when it is diagnosed late or undertreated. Here, we report a 14-year-old boy with AE infections of the liver and the lung resulting in liver failure and diagnosed as STAT3-LOF. To our knowledge, the association between these two conditions has not been reported in the literature before

    Possibilities of Using Organic Wastes as a Growing Medium in Soilless Culture for Cut Flower Rose

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    The possibilities of using organic wastes, such as hazelnut shells (HS), walnut shells (WS), hazelnut skins (HzS), and spent mushroom compost (SMC), as growth medium in cut flower rose cultivation in soilless substrate culture were investigated. The parameters, such as the date of cutting the flower (day), flower stem length (cm), flower stem diameter (mm), flower length (cm), flower diameter (cm), flower color, color of the top and bottom of the leaf, and yield (piece), were examined. In addition, samples taken from the growth medium at the beginning and ending stages of the experiment were analyzed. The first flowers were cut from the HzS +P medium 38 days after planting. The highest yield value (20.6 flower/plant) was obtained from SMC medium. The longest flowers (63.89 ± 0.947 cm) and the thickest stem flowers (5.86 ± 0.136 mm) were cut from the control medium. It was determined that the media also affected the flower and leaf colors. According to the results obtained, SMC and HzS+perlite mediums can be recommended as an alternative to cocopeat in the production of cut roses in soilless substrate culture

    Synthesis And Mechanical Properties Of Non-ionic Polyacrylamid Double-network Hydrogels

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013Hidrojeller fiziksel ya da kimyasal çapraz bağlarla oluşan, suda çözünmeyen ancak su absorplayabilen hidrofilik üç boyutlu polimer ağ yapıların suda şişmeleri ile oluşan malzemelerdir. Su absorplama yeteneği polimerin tipine ve çapraz bağlanma derecesine göre değişir. Hidrojeller endüstriyel alandaki potansiyel uygulamaları nedeniyle gittikçe artan bir öneme sahip olmuşlardır. Bu polimerler suların saflaştırılması ve ayrılmasında membran hazırlanmasında, kontak lenslerde, tarımda, gıda endüstrisinde, tıp ve biyoteknoloji alanında kullanılmaktadırlar. Hidrojeller geniş uygulama alanlarına sahip olmalarına rağmen mekanik dayanımlarının yetersiz olması büyük bir dezavantajdır. Mekanik performansı iyi, yüksek derecede tok malzemeler geliştirmek için dünyada halen devam eden pek çok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Üstün mekanik özelliklere sahip hidrojellerin geliştirilmesi, hem mevcut hemde potansiyel uygulama alanlarında büyük önem taşımaktadır. Özellikle sentetik hidrojeller çok az bir kuvvet altında dahi kolayca parçalanır. Hidrojellerin çok zayıf olan mekanik performanslarının başlıca nedeni, jel ağyapısı içerisinde yapı bütünlüğünü sağlayan ve uygulanan kuvveti ağyapısının tamamına yayabilecek mekanizmanın bulunmaması ve bunun sonucu olarak da jel içinde kırılmanın kolaylıkla gerçekleşmesidir. Yüksek mekanik dayanıma sahip bir jel elde edebilmek için jel içerisinde etkin bir enerji dağılım mekanizmasının yaratılması gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda mekanik performansı yüksek jellerin elde edilmesindeki tekniklerden bir tanesi iç içe geçmiş ağ yapılardan (Interpenetring network-IPN) oluşan çift ağyapılı jellerdir. Uygulanan kuvvetin ikinci ağyapı tarafından dağıtılmasıyla çok üstün mekanik özellikler görülebilmektedir. Çift-ağyapılı hidrojellerin sentezleri üzerine son yıllarda yoğun araştırmalar yapılmaktadır. Tüm bu çalışmalarda, çift-ağyapılı hidrojeli oluşturan birinci ağyapı, ikinci ağyapıyı oluşturacak monomer çözeltisini yeterli derecede emebilmesi için, iyonik bir polimerden elde edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla, biyomedikal alanda geniş bir uygulama alanı bulabilecek iyonik olmayan ve aynı zamanda üstün mekanik özellikler gösterebilen çift-ağyapılı hidrojeller sentezlenememiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamında mekanik dayanımı yüksek, iyonik olmayan çift-ağyapılı jellerinin sentezi amaçlanmıştır. Jel sentezinde çapraz bağlayıcı olarak N,N?metilenbis(akrilamid) (BAAm) ve polietilen glikol dimetakrilat (DMA-9) kullanılmış olup çapraz bağlayıcı tipinin jellerin özelliklerine etkileri ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Çapraz bağlayıcı tipinin jellerin özelliklerine büyük bir etkisi vardır. Bilindiği üzere, çapraz bağlardan oluşan hidrojellerde çapraz bağ noktaları arasındaki uzaklık sabit olmayıp dağılım göstermektedir. Ayrıca jel oluşumu esnasında kullanılan çapraz bağlayıcı moleküllerinin tümü yapıya girip etkin çapraz bağ oluşturmaz; önemli bir kısmı halka oluşumu ve çok-katlı çapraz bağlanma reaksiyonları gibi yan reaksiyonlarda harcanır. Bunun sonucunda jel içindeki çapraz bağ yoğunluklarında dalgalanma söz konusu olup, bazı bölgelerde daha yoğun, bazı bölgelerde daha az yoğun olarak bulunur. Yapısal inhomojenite olarak bilinen bu özellik jellerin mekanik performansını ciddi ölçüde azaltmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma kapsamında çift-ağyapılı hidrojellerin özelliklerine çapraz bağlayıcı tipinin etkisi de incelenmiştir. Tez çalışmaları kapsamında hem tek-ağyapı ve hemde çift-ağyapılı jeller sentezlenmiş, şişme ve elastik davranışları belirlenmiştir. Diğer yandan yapısal inhomojenite dereceleri statik ışık saçınımı tekniği ile incelenmiştir. İyonik grup içermeyen tek ve çift-ağyapılı poliakrilamid (PAAm) hidrojelleri farklı konsantrasyonlarda BAAm ve DMA-9 çapraz bağlayıcıları ile elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen jellerin şişme davranışları, mekanik özellikleri ve inhomojeniteleri mukayese edilmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde tek-ağyapılı jellerin özellikleri tartışılmıştır. Başlangıç monomer konsantrasyonu sabit (10 ağ/h %) tutularak, farklı çapraz bağlayıcı konsantrasyonlarında elde edilen iyonik grup içermeyen tek-ağyapılı PAAm hidrojellerinin şişme ve elastik davranışı, inhomojenite derecesi ve mekanik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Serbest radikalik mekanizması ile gerçekleşen reaksiyonlarda redoks başlatıcı sistemi olarak amonyum persülfat (APS) ve N,N,N ,N - tetrametiletilendiamin (TEMED) kullanılmıştır. APS başlatıcı görevi görürken TEMED hızlandırıcı işlevi görmektedir. Şişmiş ve sentez sonrası elastisite ölçümlerinden, BAAm çapraz bağlayıcısı ile elde edilen jellerin DMA-9?a oranla daha yüksek elastik modüle sahip olduğu gözlenmiştir. Kullanılan çapraz bağlayıcı DMA-9 ın BAAm e oranla daha az etkin çapraz bağlayıcı olduğu, büyük miktarının çok katlı çapraz bağlanma ve halka oluşumu reaksiyonlarına harcandığı saptanmıştır. Işık saçınım ölçüm sonuçlarından polimer jellerinin, polimer çözeltilerinden daima daha fazla ışığı saçtığı bulunmuştur. Jellerde gözlenen bu fazla saçınım intensitesi çapraz bağlayıcı konsantrasyonu arttıkça belirgin bir şekilde artmaktadır. Işık saçınım intensitelerinden Debye Bueche teorisi yardımıyla inhomojen bölgelerin boyutları (ksi) ve konsantrasyon dalgalanmalarının kareleri ortalaması (etakare) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. İkinci bölümde ise, ilk bölümde elde edilen tek-ağyapılı jellerin akrilamid (AAm) çözeltilerinde şişirilmeleri ile çift-ağyapılı PAAm hidrojelleri hazırlanmış ve çapraz bağlayıcı türünün mekanik özelliklere ve inhomojeniteye etkileri kıyaslanmıştır. İkinci ağ yapıyı oluşturan çözeltilerde çapraz bağlayıcı bulunmayıp, termal başlatıcı olarak potasyum persülfat (KPS) kullanılmıştır. Üstün mekanik dayanıma sahip çift-ağyapılı hidrojellerin geliştirilmesinde; tek ağyapının yüksek çapraz bağlayıcı konsantrasyonunda elde edilmesi ve ikinci ağyapının birinci ağyapıya mol oranın (n21) yüksek olması gerektiği bulunmuştur. Diğer yandan bu çalışma kapsamında çapraz bağlayıcı tipinin de çift-ağyapılı jellerin mekanik özelliklerinde önemli etkisi olduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır. DMA-9 ile sentezlenen çift-ağyapılı jellerin BAAm?le sentezlenen jellere oranla çok daha üstün özellikler gösterdiği belirlenmiş ve literatürde ilk olarak çapraz bağlayıcının çift-ağyapılı jellerin mekanik özelliklerinde önemli etkisi olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. DMA-9 ile sentezlenen jeller ikinci ağyapı çözeltisini daha çok emebildikleri için daha yüksek n21 değerine ulaşmakta ve bunun sonucu olarak üstün mekanik özellikler göstermektedir. Örneğin, molce % 4,0 DMA-9 ile sentezlenen çift-ağyapılı jel, aynı şartlarda sentezlenen tek-ağyapılı jele kıyasla mekanik dayanımı yaklaşık 46 kata kadar artarken, BAAm ile sentezlenen, molce %2,0 BAAm ile sentezlenen çift ağyapılı jelde ise 18 kat iyileşme gözlenmiştir. Yapılan tek eksenli döngüsel sıkıştırma testleri ile çift-ağyapılı jellerde önemli bir histeresis enerjisinin birinci döngüde ortaya çıktığı ve birinci döngü sonunda bir kısım bağların kendini feda ederek yapı bütünlüğünü koruduğu görülmüştür. Bunun sonucu olarak birinci döngüde, diğer döngülere kıyasla çok daha yüksek histeresis enerjileri ölçülmüştür. Çift-ağyapılı jellere özgü olan bu davranış, çift-ağyapılı jellerin neden üstün mekanik özelliklere sahip olduğunu açıklamaktadır. Işık saçınım ölçüm sonuçlarından hem DMA-9 hemde BAAm çapraz bağlayıcısı ile sentezlenen çift-ağyapılı PAAm hidrojellerinde artan mekanik dayanıma paralel olarak saçınan ışık intensitelerinde azalma gözlenmiştir. Debye Bueche teorisi yardımıyla hesaplanan inhomojen bölgelerin boyutlarının (ksi) hızla büyüdüğü, konsantrasyon dalgalanmalarının kareleri ortalaması (etakare) değerlerinin ise hızla azaldığı görülmüştür. Mekanik dayanımın artması sonucu hem dayanıklı hem de daha homojen jeller elde edilmiştir.Hydrogels are soft and smart materials with a wide range of applications such as tissue engineering, separation and chromatography, drug release, sensors, and actuators. Hydrogels may be prepared by various techniques, however the most common synthetic route is the free-radical crosslinking copolymerization of a hydrophilic monomer such as acrylamide (AAm) with a small amount of a cross-linker, e.g., N,N -methylenebis(acrylamide) (BAAm). Although synthetic hydrogels resemble natural biological soft materials, their mechanical properties greatly differ from those of biological gels. For example, conventional hydrogels are normally very brittle when handled in the swollen state, which limits their technological applications. This feature originates from the very low resistance of chemical hydrogels to crack propagation due to the lack of an efficient energy dissipation mechanism in the gel network. Moreover, in contrast to the ideal gels with a homogeneous distribution of crosslinks throughout the gel sample, real gels always exhibit an inhomogeneous crosslink density distribution, known as the spatial gel inhomogeneity. Such inhomogeneity in the final materials is undesirable for applications because structural inhomogeneity results in a dramatic reduction in the strength of the crosslinked materials. Since the gel inhomogeneity is closely connected to the spatial concentration fluctuations, scattering methods such as light scattering, small-angle X-ray scattering, and small-angle neutron scattering have been employed to investigate the spatial inhomogeneities. The gel inhomogeneity can be manifested by comparing the scattering intensities from the gel and from a semi-dilute solution of the same polymer at the same concentration. The scattering intensity from gels is always larger than that from the polymer solution. The excess scattering over the scattering from polymer solution is related to the degree of the inhomogeneities in gels. To obtain a hydrogel with a high degree of toughness, one has to increase the overall viscoelastic dissipation along the gel sample by introducing dissipative mechanisms at the molecular level. A number of techniques for toughening of gels have recently been proposed including the double network gels, topological gels, nanocomposite hydrogels, and cryogels. Double-network (DN) gels have drawn much attention as a material with both a high water content and high mechanical strength and toughness. DN gels consist of two types of polymer components with opposite physical natures: the minor component is highly cross-linked polyelectrolytes and the major component comprises of poorly cross-linked or linear neutral polymers. The former and the latter components are referred to as the first network and the second network, respectively, since the synthesis should be done in this order. DN gels exhibit excellent mechanical performances, i.e., they possess hardness (elastic modulus of 0.1-1.0 MPa), strength (failure tensile nominal stress 1-10 MPa, strain 1000-2000%; failure compressive nominal stress 20-60 MPa, strain 90-95%), and toughness (tearing fracture energy of 100 - 1000 J/m2). Extensive research has been conducted in recent years to understand the toughening mechanism of DN gel. Studies have shown that the highly cross-linked first network serves as a sacrificial bond during fracture. Thus, the first network creates an energy dissipation mechanism preventing growth of a microscopic crack to macroscopic level. Conventional DN gels are synthesized via a two-step network formation process. The first gel is synthesized and immersed in a solution of the second monomer, and then the second monomer is polymerized within the first gel. If a polyelectrolyte is used as the first gel, it swells to a considerable extent in the monomer solution owing to the high osmotic pressure, resulting in a highly extended rigid first network in the final swollen gel. As a consequence, the second network content of the final DN is much greater than that of the first network. In contrast, when neutral gels are used to create first network, they show poorer swelling ability in the second monomer solution, so that the resulting DN gel has very low toughness. Hence, the candidate materials for the rigid first network in tough DN gels are limited to polyelectrolyte gels. Within the framework of this thesis, we developed a general method and applied it for the successful synthesis of tough DN gels by using neutral hydrogel to create the first network. Since the key to the development of such a strong DN gel is making the neutral first network rigid while maintaining its concentration low, we attempted to expand this network by using a cross-linker with very low crosslinking efficiency. For this purpose, gelation reactions were carried out in the presence of polyethylene glycol dimethacrylates (DMA-9) as the cross-linker in the preparation of the first network. The results were compared with those obtained using the conventional cross-linker N,N -methylenebis(acrylamide) (BAAm). Free-radical crosslinking copolymerization of acrylamide (AAm) monomer and DMA-9 or BAAm cross-linker was carried in an aqueous solution at 25oC in the presence of ammonium persulfate (4.39 mM) - N,N,N ,N -tetramethylethylenediamine (0.025 v/v %) redox initiator system. The initial monomer concentration was kept constant at 10 % while the cross-linker concentration was varied over a wide range up to the onset of turbidity in the gelation system. After the preparation of the first non-ionic polyacrylamide (PAAm) gel, it was immersed in aqueous AAm solutions of various concentrations, containing potassium persulfate (37 mM) initiator. After equilibrium swelling, the second network was created within the first network by conducting the polymerization reactions at 60oC for one day. The results show that the first gels prepared using DMA-9 exhibit much lower moduli of elasticity as compared to those formed using the conventional BAAm cross-linker. Calculations show that the crosslinking efficiency of DMA-9 is around 6 %, that is, only 6 % of the cross-linker in the feed form effective crosslinks while the rest is consumed in cyclization and multiple crosslinking reactions. In contrast, the crosslinking efficiency of BAAm is between 20 and 100 % and, it increases as the concentration of BAAm is increased. As a consequence, the first gels formed using DMA-9 exhibited a much larger swelling ratios in the second monomer solutions as compared to those formed using BAAm. Light scattering measurements were carried out on the first gels prepared at various DMA-9 and BAAm concentrations. Excess scattering intensities from gels Rex(q) were calculated as Rex(q) = Rgel(q) - Rsol(q), where Rgel(q) and Rsol(q) are the Rayleigh ratios for gel and polymer solution, respectively. It was found that the gels scatter much more light than the corresponding polymer solution of the same concentration. The excess scattering from gels increased with increasing DMA-9 or BAAm content. Since Rex(q) is a measure of the spatial inhomogeneity in a gel, this indicates that the PAAm gel becomes more inhomogeneous with increasing cross-linker concentration. However, as compared to the gels formed using BAAm, those formed using DMA-9 exhibited a much larger degree of spatial inhomogeneity. DN gels derived from the first gels described above were characterized by uniaxial compression and cyclic compression tests as well as by light scattering measurements. The results show that two factors are prime important for the enhancement of the mechanical properties of DN gels. These are the cross-linker concentration used to prepare the first network and, the second network content of the DN. Increasing cross-linker concentration of the first gel or, increasing the second network content of DN also increased the strength and toughness of DN hydrogels. Moreover, a significant improvement in the mechanical performance of DN gels was observed if DMA-9 was used as a cross-linker in the preparation of the first network. At a molar ratio of second-to-first network of 2.4 and at 4 % DMA-9 concentration, DN hydrogels sustain up to 4 MPa compressions at 98 % strain. The results also show that DN gels are much more homogeneous than the corresponding first gels and the degree of inhomogeneity further decreases as the second network content is increased.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Effect of different water regimes and nitrogen applications on the growth, yield, essential oil content, and quality parameters of the oil rose (Rosa damascena Mill.)

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    Oil rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) is a great important aromatic and medicinal plant widely used in cosmetics, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemical industries. Water supply and nutrition are vital for plant growth and yield. Water stress causes plant growth, development, and yield loss at different levels. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different water and nitrogen levels (N) on growth, yield, and quality parameters and determine the chemical composition of oil rose through gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis. The fieldwork for this research was conducted from March 2014 to June 2018. According to the results of study treatments, the highest fresh flower yield per plant was determined with the I-0.50, 80 kg ha(-1) treatment. In 2017 and 2018, as fertilizer level increased and irrigation level decreased, fresh flower yield, oil yield per plant, plant height, number of branches in plant, and leaf area values decreased. However, there was little tradeoff between reductions in applied water and fresh flower yield. Furthermore, the GC-MS results reveal little change in essential oil quality as water stress increases with diminished applied water. The yield response and essential oil quality are the direct result of the relatively invariant WUE

    Retrospective analysis of methylprednisolone treatment alone and in combination with methotrexate in patients with extensive alopecia areata

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    Alopecia areata (AA) is a chronic autoimmune disorder that primarily affects the hair follicle. Systemic corticosteroids and methotrexate (MTX) are among the therapeutic options in severe cases. This study aimed to show whether the combination therapy of methylprednisolone (MP) and MTX was superior to MP alone in the management of extensive AA. A total of 26 patients with extensive AA, 14 treated with MP alone and 12 treated with the combination of MP and MTX, were retrospectively evaluated in terms of gender, age, severity of disease, clinical characteristics, disease duration, dose and duration of medications, therapy response, and side effects. Of the 26 patients with extensive AA, 14 were male and 12 were female, and the average age was 17.02 +/- 10.70 years. All patients had more than 50% hair loss, 23 had extensive multifocal AA, and three had alopecia totalis. A total of 14 patients were treated with MP alone (starting dose: 0.3-0.5 mg/kg, maximum 32 mg/day), and 12 were treated with MP + MTX (starting dose: 5-15 mg/week, maximum 20 mg/week). A total of 12 of the 14 patients (85.7%) who were treated with MP alone showed a complete response, with the response rate of the patients who showed more than 50% response being 92.85%. Seven of the 12 patients (58.3%) who were treated with MP + MTX achieved complete healing, and all patients on this regimen had more than 50% treatment response. Our results showed that the combination therapy of MP and MTX was not superior to MP alone in the management of extensive alopecia areata

    Zależność między fragmentacją zespołów QRS a wynikami w skali SYNTAX i skali Gensiniego u chorych z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym

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    Background: Fragmented QRS (fQRS) complexes on 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) have been reported to be predictors of cardiac events and all-cause mortality in coronary artery disease (CAD). Aim: To investigate the relationship between fQRS complexes and SYNTAX and Gensini scores in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods: A total of 302 patients (223 men and 79 women) with ACS (133 ST elevated myocardial infarction [STEMI], 107 non-STEMI [NSTEMI], and 62 unstable angina pectoris [USAP]) were evaluated retrospectively in this study. An fQRS pattern was found in 70 patients (fQRS group) but was not found in 232 patients (non-fQRS group). SYNTAX score > 22 and Gensini score > 20 were defined as high SYNTAX and Gensini scores. The relationship between the presence of fQRS on 12-lead ECG and SYNTAX and Gensini scores was assessed. Results: SYNTAX score (p < 0.001), Gensini score (p < 0.001), NYHA class (p < 0.001), QRS duration (p < 0.001), number of disease vessels (p = 0.003), and high sensitive troponin T levels (p = 0.026) were significantly higher in the fQRS group. The number of fQRS leads (HR 5.79, 95% CI 2.78–12.06, p < 0.001, HR 3.41, 95% CI 1.32–8.78, p = 0.016, respectively) was found to be an independent predictor of high SYNTAX score and high Gensini score in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: The number of fQRS leads on 12-lead ECG on admission is associated with the severity and complexity of CAD in patients with ACS.Wstęp: Jak wskazują doniesienia, fragmentacja zespołów QRS (fQRS) w 12-odprowadzeniowym elektrokardiogramie (EKG) jest czynnikiem predykcyjnym zdarzeń sercowych i zgonu z jakiejkolwiek przyczyny u pacjentów z chorobą wieńcową (CAD). Cel: Celem badania była ocena zależności między fQRS a punktacją w skali SYNTAX i skali Gensiniego u chorych z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym (ACS). Metody: Do badania włączono retrospektywnie 302 chorych (223 mężczyzn i 79 kobiet) z ACS [133 przypadków zawału serca z uniesieniem docinka ST (STEMI), 107 przypadków zawału serca bez uniesienia odcinka ST (NSTEMI) i 62 przypadki niestabilnej dławicy piersiowej (USAP)]. Cechy fQRS stwierdzono u 70 chorych (grupa fQRS), a u 232 osób nie występowały pofragmentowane zespoły QRS (grupa nie-fQRS). Jako wysoką punktację definiowano wynik w skali SYNTAX wynoszący > 22 i wynik w skali Gensiniego wynoszący > 20. Oceniono zależności między obecnością fQRS w 12-odprowadzeniowym EKG a punktacją w skali SYNTAX i skali Gensiniego. Wyniki: Punktacja w skali SYNTAX (p < 0,001), punktacja w skali Gensiniego (p < 0,001), klasa wg NYHA (p < 0,001), czas trwania zespołu QRS (p < 0,001), liczba zmienionych chorobowo naczyń (p = 0,003) i stężenie troponiny T oznaczanej metodą wysokoczułą (p = 0,026) były istotnie większe w grupie fQRS. W analizie wieloczynnikowej wykazano, że liczba odprowadzeń, w których występowały pofragmentowane zespoły QRS (odpowiednio HR 5,79; 95% CI 2,78–12,06; p < 0,001; HR 3,41; 95% CI 1,32–8,78; p = 0,016) była niezależnym czynnikiem predykcyjnym wysokiej punktacji w skali SYNTAX i skali Gensiniego. Wnioski: Liczba odprowadzeń, w których występują pofragmentowane zespoły QRS w 12-odprowadzeniowym EKG wykonanym przy przyjęciu do szpitala, wiąże się ze stopniem ciężkości i złożonością CAD u chorych z ACS.

    Evaluation of MicroRNA Expressions in Ovarian Cancer

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    Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common death cause from cancer among women. Currently, gynecological examination, evaluation with ultrasound and serum measurements of tumor markers such as CA-125 is used for the diagnosis and monitorization of treatment for ovarian cancer. However, there is an intense need for new biomarkers that can guide the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), short, non-coding RNAs, are stabilizing endogenous RNAs which may prove to be particularly useful biomarkers in cancer. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between microRNA expressions with clinical and histopathological findings in ovarian cancer to evaluate its potential biomarker in ovarian cancer.</p